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rh+ artmagazine introduced more than 100 young talents to Turkey’s arts environment until no win the “young artist of the year” contest, continued for 9 years straight. They are advancing in sure steps today in becoming masters in the future. Their works appear in distinguished collections. Are

rh+ artmagazine, going forward one more step as the result of experience and accumulation it has gained until today, is taking the contest, organized for 10th time, to the international arena.




To the international “young artist of the year” contest organized by rh+ artmagazine to discover the masters of the future and make a contribution to artists’ dialogue, all artist who are citizens of the R.T. and other countries and not older than 40years as of December 31, 2014, who have taken part in at least two ground exhibitions or who have held a personal exhibition may participate.


1 –Young Artist of the Year Prize 5000 Euro

Young Artist of the Year Second Prize 3000 Euro

Young Artist of the Year Third Prize 2000 Euro

2 – For the contestant chosen as the Young Artist of the Year, a personal exhibition shall be organized accompanied by a catalog with organization from rh+ artmagazine.

3 – Artists who receive awards shall be given a plaque and a certificate.

4 – Works of artists receiving awards will be on cover of rh+ artmagazine.

5 – Interviews with artists receiving awards shall be published in rh+ artmagazine.

6 – A selection shall be made from among the works of all other artists than those awarded a prize to be exhibited in the planet of Art Gallery. The exhibition to be held shall be organized for dates from May 15 – May 30, 2014.

7 – 10 contestants to be selected by rh+ artmagazine who have participated in the contest and who have remained outside of the awards shall be included in the young corner section of rh+ artmagazine with their interviews, one person each month.

8 – For all works which have taken part in the contest (except those works which have received awards) an online auction shall be organized over the internet by sanat/mezat auctions organization on dates June 01– June 15, 2014. A catalog shall be prepared for the auction to the organized, in which all works participating in the contest shall be included. The works, in the contest, and resumes of all contestants who have participated in the contest shall be included in the catalog. The prepared catalog shall be published over the internet throughout the auction.

9 – No starting price shall be assigned to the works in the auction. All works shall be offered to the buyer as a proposal. On the day and time of auction close (June 15, 2014, 12:00 hours) the sale of the work which has found its highest price shall be made after approval is taken from the owner of the work. No work for which approval is not given by the owner shall be sold. The approval shall be taken by e-mail. The work for which no response could be obtained within 3 days of the auction close shall be sold without requiring approval if a buyer has been found. After 20% auction commission is deduced from the price for the work sold at the auction the remaining amount shall be paid to the artist.

10 – Artists who could not receive an award and could not find buyers in the auction may make a present of their works to the rh+ artmagazine collected if they wish. Rh+ artmagazine publishes the visual ofthe works presented to its collection in the magazine together with a thank you note addressed to the artists.



1 – Artists who shall take part in the contest shall participate with two works.

2 – The short side of the works to be sent to the contest may not be shorter than 100 cm and the long side, longer than 200 cm.

3 – The works should be made on canvas or flat, permanent surface. Prints and photographs are not accepted.

4 – Materials as subject are free.

5 – Those working in rh+ artmagazine and their relatives of the first degree may not participate in the contest.

6 – The deadline for participating in the contest is April 30, 2014.

7 – Participation in the contest shall be with two items of work. Works outside of the dimensions determined and single works are not accepted.

8 – On the back of the works handed in for the contest the name and surname of the artist shall be written and signed. Additionally apseudonym consisting of two words shall be written on the back of the work.

9 –  The artist who wants to participate in the contest shall sent a 50 Euro participation fee to the bank account for which information are given below.


1 – Artists participating in the contest shall deliver by hand or by cargo to the head office of rh+ artmagazine by April 30, 2014 the originals of the two items of work for which dimensions and material type are given above, and additionally the visuals for their other works with a cd (as aprecaution against failure in opening the data in digital medium in the cd dueto technical reasons, it is recommended that the contents are additionally printed and sent in a file format)  containing the information and documents for the exhibitions they have previously participated, their resumes, their address, telephone, e-mail information. Works to come from outside of Turkey shall be send in rolled form inside cylindrical packaging without placing in frames. For consignments from within the country works not placed on frames are not accepted. The responsibility rests with the participant in any delays in cargo. Cargo charges belong to the sender. Contestants of foreign citizen ship shall use English language in their personal information.

2 – The works taking part in the contest shall be appraised by the jury and the first three artists to be awarded the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes shall be determined. The artists to be awarded the 1st prizes hall be announced the young artist of the year.  The works of artists who have received awards are kept for the rh+ artmagazine collection along with all their rights.


1 – Those works which have not received awards and which could also not be sold in the auction among the works participating in the contest should be taken by the owner of the work within 30 days. To those work owners who wish, their works are sent with related cargo costs borne by them. No responsibility is assumed for works which are not taken back within 20 days. Additionally a 2 euro warehouse rental is collected for works which are not taken back within 30 days.

2 – rh+ artmagazine is entitled to made changes to contest rules during the contest when requisite. However, no changes may be made to the rules after the contest results are announced. (Apart from date)

3 – All participants taking part in the international young artist of the year contest organized by rh+ artmagazine are deemed to have agreed to these contest rules. R.T. Istanbul Courts are authorized in case of disputes.


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Kocaeli Üniversitesi Gazetecilik bölümünden mezun oldu. Stajını ATV'de tamamladı.Posta Gazetesi'nde ( Trakya Eki)Muhabirlik yaptı.2011- 2012'de Kocaeli Üniversitesi Uygulama Radyosu Radyo Ki'de Güne Bakış Programı'nda Editör- Spiker olarak görev aldı.

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