ReBirth – Kayıp Parça Kimde? Günsu Saraçoğlu, Evrim Sanat Galerisi, (08 Haziran – 04 Temmuz 2024)

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Sanat alanındaki çalışmaları, basın mensubu ve ressam kimliğiyle tanınan Günsu Saraçoğlu’nun “ReBirth, Kayıp Parça Kimde?” isimli kişisel sergisi, 8 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi günü Evrim Sanat Galerisi’nde sanat izleyicisiyle buluştu.  4 Temmuz tarihine kadar sürecek serginin açılışına sanat ve basın camiasından tanınmış simalarının katıldı ve Evrim Ketenci’nin keman dinletisi Saraçoğlu’nun çalışmalarına eşlik etti.

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ANDRÉ BUTZER / HANS JOSEPHSOHN 8 June – 3 August 2024 Opening: Saturday, 8 June, from 3 pm Berlin: Bleibtreustraße 15/16

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Flight, desolation and displacement are deeply inscribed in the work of Hans Josephsohn (1920–2012). Not in terms of motifs or themes, but as a fundamental life experience. Unlike the smooth, gracefully fluid agility of Lehmbruck or Maillol, who inspired him in his youth, and unlike Giacometti’s fraying dissolution of the figure in the glistening backlight of an atomic flash, for instance, Josephsohn clings firmly to the figure. Every grasp of the shapeless plaster solidifies the human

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JEAN-MİCHEL OTHONİEL UNDER AN ENDLESS LİGHT June 8 – September 15, 2024 Sara Hildén Art Museum Tampere, Finland

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This exhibition is the first by the artist in Scandinavia and showcases his works from the early 2000s to the present, centered around the theme of nature’s marvels. 

Featuring ninety four works, many of which are imbued with colors reminiscent of the miraculous emergence of spring blooms, the artist shares, “I hold a deep fascination for botany, and in a land where flowers bloom amidst snow, I’ve curated this exhibition by selecting a significant array of works

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Save the Date! | Art On İstanbul | “Crossroads 7” Karma Sergi | Açılış 08.06.2024

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Art On İstanbul’un, özgün ve bağımsız sanatçılara kendilerini ifade edebilecekleri bir alan açabilmesi mottosuyla kurguladığı Crossroads sergi serisi bu sene 8 Haziran – 20 Temmuz tarihleri arasında, LG OLED, The Moment ve Permolit Boya’nın desteğiyle 7. edisyonunu gerçekleştiriyor. “Crossroads” sergi serisi, Art On İstanbul’un kuruluş misyonuyla paralel olarak Türkiye’nin dört bir yanından bağımsız sanatçıları konuk almanın yanında, bu sanatçılara

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EDDIE MARTINEZ You think that you know but you know that you don’t 7 June – 3 August 2024 Opening: Friday, 7 June, 6 – 8 pm Berlin: Goethestraße 2/3

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Galerie Max Hetzler is pleased to present You think that you know but you know that you don’t, a solo exhibition of new works by EddieMartinez at Goethestraße 2/3, in Berlin. This is the artist’s inaugural exhibition with the gallery.

Eddie Martinez’s artistic practice is characterised by his personal iconography, featuring signature elements such as bug-eyed humans in eclectic headgear, blockheads and the recurring butterfly motif of the ‘Buflies’. Brimming with

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MATTHEW BARNEY SECONDARY: object impact 7 June – 25 July 2024

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Galerie Max Hetzler, Gladstone Gallery, Sadie Coles HQ, and Regen Projects are pleased to announce SECONDARY, an exhibition in four parts by MatthewBarney. Unfolding sequentially across the galleries, each presentation traces the artist’s career-long interest in the relationship between the body, transmogrification, physical possibility, and the deep-rooted history of violence that serves as a cornerstone to the American psyche. In addition

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